1N58xx Schottky diode
The 1N58xx is a series of medium power, fast, low voltage Schottky diodes, which consists of part number numbers 1N5817 through 1N5825
The 1N581x are typically packaged in the DO-41 axial through-hole case, and in many cases are interchangeable with the 1N4001 series. The 1N582x are typically packaged in the DO-201AD through-hole case, and in many cases are interchangeable with the 1N54xx series.
Being Schottky diodes, the 1N58xx parts have roughly half the forward voltage drop of the 1N400x/1N540x series diodes, which improves efficiency in applications where they are usually forward-biased, such as power converters. The cost is a lower voltage rating and higher reverse leakage (approximately 1 mA at room temperature and increasing with temperature).
Common surface-mount relatives of the 1N58xx series are the SS1x and SS3x series, such the SS14 (1 ampere) and SS34 (3 ampere) surface-mount parts.
Diode part numbers |
Voltage | Thru-hole | Surface-mount |
1 Amp | 3 Amp | 5 Amp | 1 Amp | 3 Amp | 5 Amp |
(DO-41) | (DO-201AD) | (TopHat) | (SMA) | (SMC) | (SMC) |
20 Volt | 1N5817 | 1N5820 | 1N5823 | SS12 | SS32 | SS52 |
30 Volt | 1N5818 | 1N5821 | 1N5824 | SS13 | SS33 | SS53 |
40 Volt | 1N5819 | 1N5822 | 1N5825 | SS14 | SS34 | SS54 |
50 Volt | — | — | — | SS15 | SS35 | — |
60 Volt | — | — | — | SS16 | SS36 | — |
80 Volt | — | — | — | SS18 | SS38 | — |
100 Volt | — | — | — | SS110 | SS310 | — |